Why 'Good Luck'? I'm thinking that I'll wish you luck after you see the following, because I certainly don't have any words to describe this.
I Had 10 Miscarriages - and 13 pregnancies. You might know her daughter, Sophie:
A Nun's Story - 50 years an Anorexic.
Just Be Young And Healthy - reason # 274 I'm glad I left Britain.
Vytorin/ENHANCE Study update - can you say "Insider Trading"?
Binging - a personal story.
What's Cholesterol Got To Do With It? - Did you know half the world's population has high cholesterol? Vegetarians, Vegans, Omnivores, Carnivores, black, white, Asian, doesn't matter*.
Happy Peanut Butter Day - so long as you're not allergic, of course...
Fat?!? You're Not Fat! - Can't tell you how many times I've heard this from my friends.
Kill Them All! - if you replace 'disabled' with 'fat', doesn't it all sound familiar? And given our current slide into Fascism, all the more scary?
One in One Thousand - a break up story.
The Great Sushi Scare - Holy Bluefin, Batman! Why am I not surprised? How To Eat Sushi
Only Skinny People Have Eating Disorders - I've also got a bridge in Brooklyn going cheap.
American Health Reform - interesting article. (it'll never happen)
Dental Decay - when a simple filling costs a few hundred bucks, who can afford to see a dentist these days?
Dem Leaders, You Are In Contempt - WORD.
Who Gets Custody? - reminds me of a case a few years ago, where the judge gave custody to a murderer doing 25 to Life rather than the kid's lesbian mother. Because murder is so much more moral than homosexuality.
When Oral Sex Results In Pregnancy - if only!
It's the Economy, Stupid:
Blowback V: the new tax revolt
Who's the Middle Class? - for the record, if you own your own home, can send your kids to college, have 4 cars, and earn $90k a year? You are not middle class, you are wealthy.
Eat The Poor - puts things in perspective. Comments are illuminatory.
The Stimulus Plan
Going Bankrupt - READ THIS ARTICLE! You'll want comfort food afterwards.
The Stimulus Swindle
Really? Tax Cuts Again? - telling it like it is.
About Those Checks...
Is The Bush 'Stimulus' Going To Help You? - nope!
The View Is Dark - Muslim women in Europe have a lot to face.
Abundance - now that sounds like a festival
Unusual Art - cool, but they have too much time on their hands
Red Eye Rice Treats - Vegan sweet treat
When Racism and Laundry Collide - I laughed. Also, it's a dye job, not laundry. But yeah, still makes you wonder who thought it would be a good idea.
Scientology: The Inside View - I want to say wev, and 'oh, they're just disgruntled' and 'people have the right to believe what they want to believe', but honestly, I think Scientology is whack.
The 6 Most Insane Game Shows - people...
Bleach Bum - this is a joke, right? Right?
Oro out.
* For the life of me I cannot find the source where I read that statistic, I just know it was years ago...maybe on Weston A Price?
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