ETA: ZOMG superfun links at the bottom.
I'll save the gross stuff for the end, but trust me, it's gross. And I need your input on what to do about it, so, fun time ahead.
Um, had lots of stuff to talk about earlier...
Well, I guess I'll just move on to the gross. If you are at all skeeved by body fluids, you may want to skip the rest of this post.
I'm just sayin'.
I've had this underarm infection for months, now. It's rashy, pimply, scaly, peely and unbelievably itchy, with the lovely addition of being weepy and smelling both of sweat and of yeast. I can't wear deoderant, I just spray the underarms of my clothing with body spray from Bathed & Infused. Helps a bit, I mean, I suspect I'm the only that can smell it, but it makes me paranoid, especially now that I'm hot all the time and frequently sweaty to boot.
I've used anti-fungal creams, which all work for awhile before the infection comes back. Medicated powders, talcum powder, corn starch, that all makes it worse. My Thai Crystal Rock deoderant only heightens the effects, so I've given up entirely. Wah.
Here's where it gets disgusting. I'm in the shower the other day, washing the pits, when I realize that not only am I hurting, but there's a big old lump there, too. I freak out a little, because everyone knows that lumps in the pits aren't good things (tm), but decide to chill for the weekend.
And then, later on that night while I'm in bed, Mr Oro's on the pc, I'm bored and palpitating my pit, when I feel some moisture. At first I think it's just sweat, then realize that actually, there's quite a bit of fluid on my fingertips. I hop into the bathroom and check it out in the mirror.
Oh. My. God. Internets, the lump, which is actually two lumps divided by the crease of my armpit (because of course they would be in the worst place to actually have a chance to air), is weeping. Weeping pus. Yes, I have two...pimples?...each about the size of a dime, each clearly bigger than a corn nut, with an opening somewhere in the middle that weeps.
Man, I'm grossed out just typing about it. It's worse than the when the lump under my eyelid turned out to be, ah, something similar. The difference is that I was able to clean that out with a q-tip and it was over, while this looks to be hanging around for awhile.
My question, and I do have one, is what to do about it? Only one lump seems to be draining, should I just leave it and hope for the best? Spend $150 and see a doctor? Break out a clean needle and try and suck it all out? BTW, the last? Ew.
What should I doooooooooo...?
Gross stuff over.
And now, I must go and order more new bras, seeing as the soft cup I spent $45 on doesn't, hahahaha, fit. What's worse, it has 5 hooks on the band. FIVE HOOKS. The hooks? They're wider than my palm. And the straps cut into my shoulder like a cheesewire into a cheddar.
Oh, and since money is tight, I've bought one Christmas ornament. It's the center ornament from Pottery Barn:
I'd love them all, actually, but, ya know.
From the OMGWTFFBBQ?! Files:
Just in time for Christmas, the world's most baffling toys!! #3? Of course, only in Britain.
The Best (Worst) Fantasy and Science Fiction Covers - Mr Oro totally has that Servants of the Wankh book...and I'm pretty sure I've owned, but not read, that Kate Elliot book.
I love Christopher Walken - don't you?
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